Fairway Childrens Centre Sessions
Spring Term
Fairway are please to present to you the updated Spring term timetable for the West Locality (29/3/21 - 16/4/21) - face to face is making a return!
Key dates, as of the week beginning :
* 29th March, sessions will be held outside either in the Children's Centre garden areas or utlising the local parks.
* 12th April, sessions can be held both indoors and outside
We will be continuing with some of the well received virtual sessions.
Please note the Children's Centre risk assessments have been reviewed and are in line with the current Government guidance.
Dates attached
'To help keep everyone safe, sessions will initially be outside progressing to well-ventilated rooms; group sizes have been significantly reduced as have resources to enable thorough cleaning at the end of each session; hand sanitizer will be available and adult social distancing is to be respected. Face coverings are required in all of the face to face groups. There is a booking system for all universal sessions. We will be following Government guidance and will review our risk assessments accordingly'.