Barnet Mencap - Support for Parents
If any parents/carers are looking for extra support and advice please take a look at there offices are based at :
Barnet Mencap, 35 Hendon Lane, Finchley, London N3 1RT.
Northway's Latest News, events and local offers. Keeping you up to date with everything Northway and SEND.
If any parents/carers are looking for extra support and advice please take a look at there offices are based at :
Barnet Mencap, 35 Hendon Lane, Finchley, London N3 1RT.
Children across the school had fantastic fun during our science week at Northway.
Each class had great fun as scientists and enjoyed exploring and getting messy!
Last week, Aldenham Country Park delivered a great assembly explaining to the children how the chicks will hatch. They also brought along some chickens for the children to touch. This week, we have had 3 chicks hatch (2 black and 1 yellow). The classes have been taking turns to go and visit the chicks and even holding and stroking them. This has been a wonderful experience for the children.
Our phone lines are currently not working. To report an absence or any general queries then please email:
One of our amazing teaching assistants is FUNDRAISING for Northway by Climbing Mount Snowdon!
Northway enjoyed celebrating World Book Day last week with the children and staff coming to school in their pyjamas. The children were sponsored to read or listen to books throughout the week and record their minutes.
We have currently raised over £250, allowing us to have £75 worth of free books!
Last night the Northway Dancers took part in the Barnet dance festival! We are all very proud of their incredible performance and they loved every minute of it!
Thank you to our Irish dancers for coming in and performing during assembly for the children!
Children at Northway had a fantastic day taking part in Independent Travel Training with TFL and the Police Service.
The day started out at Edgware bus station and the children went on a trip around the local area but this was not just a fun trip! During the ride the children had special guests talk about bus safety and what tickets to use. They also practised crossing a road safely and then some actors came to show them real life examples of strangers on the buses and outside.
The children of N class had an incredible day at Wembley for WE DAY. They got to see incredible performances from the likes of Tom Walker and Jack & Jack. They were even treated to a special visit from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle!
WE DAY is a huge celebration of the charitable activities done by children across the UK with Northway included. On the day there were amazing speeches, performances and interactive educational segments that encouraged the children to take more action in their community.
Our students at Northway make some incredible art and we are proud to open our first online gallery to showcase it all. Please visit our online gallery here!