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Community Links

At Northway we are passionate about helping our local community and the wider world.

We develop the pupils understanding of the world around them and how they are part of a community by actively engaging in projects to help others.  Northway School annually takes part in the 'Me to We' initiative.

ME to WE



"To empower people to transform local and global communities by shifting from “me” thinking to “we” acting."



We are all connected.

Together WE change the world.



Local Links

We hold an annual food drive to collect items for our local homeless shelter, Homeless Action in Barnet. Classes collect food and household items, we bring them all togther in a special assembly and then a class delivers them to the homeless shelter. 

National Links

We regularly take part in national fundraising days for different charities such as Children in Need, Sports Relief and Macmillan Coffee Mornings. Our pupils have sold tea & coffee, dressed up as animals, come to school in pyjamas and taken part in triathalons to help to raise money to help those less fortunate.

International Links

We have held a variety of fundraising days, from sponsored carwashes to cake sales, to raise money to help people in the developing world. From the money raised we have bought goats for a village in Africa.